WeVOTE ~ Westerville Voters On Target for Education
Win-Win and school funding experts inform our community
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Dear Editor,
     Recently, two public forums were held on topics that are important to our
school district:  the Win-Win Agreement, and School Funding.  The presentations were excellent, and the information provided is invaluable. 
These forums were taped by WOCC-TV3 and are currently being broadcast. 
     I urge all residents of Westerville City Schools to set aside the time to watch these informative programs.  The broadcast schedule is available on the WeVOTE website: <http://wevote2003.tripod.com>.  Tapes are also
available for borrowing at the Westerville Public Library or by contacting a
WCS principal.
     WeVOTE, host of these forums, would like to thank the following people for their help in our effort to inform our school community:  Jeffrey A. Rich,
Managing Partner of the law firm of Rich, Crites & Wesp, LLC, Richard
Maxwell, Exec. Director of the Buckeye Asso. of School Administrators,
Shannon Hamons, City Economic Development Coordinator, Gene Hollins, City Attorney, George Tombaugh, WCS Superintendent, Dan Shively, WCS Treasurer, WOCC TV3, Head Custodian Mike Ward, the very helpful, courteous custodians at WSHS and Genoa Middle School,  Barry Ackerman, Asst. Principal WSHS and Ralph Collins, Principal Genoa Middle School.
     They have provided us with an easy means to become informed on these two critical issues from the comforts of our own homes.  Please take advantage
of this great opportunity.
Helen I. Chan
WeVOTE Facilitator

Westerville Voters On Target for Education