Dates to Remember:
October 4, 2004: Last day for voter registration to be received by the Secretary of State or
County Board of Elections in order to vote in the November election
November 2, 2004: Election Day
Who Can Vote?
Anyone who lives in the Westerville City School District who is registered to vote is eligible to vote on a
school issue.
You have to be at least 18 to vote. You do not have to be 18 to register to vote.
Starting January 1, 2004, you will need to provide identification if you are voting for the first time in an Ohio election.
Where to Vote?
To find out where you are supposed to vote, click on the link to your county board of elections. For Franklin
County, you can find out your polling location by entering your first and last name. Franklin County locations can also
be obtained by calling (614)462-3100 and entering your social security number. In Delaware County, voting locations
are listed on the BOE website by precinct.
If you are unable to determine your polling location, contact WeVOTE and we will be happy to assist you.
You may be asked to provide identification at the polls.
Important Election Links
You may download or request voter registration forms from these sites:
Absentee Voting
Franklin County Residents mail to:
Franklin County BOE
280 East Broad Street, Room 100
Columbus, OH 43215
Delaware County Residents mail to:
Delaware County BOE
91 N. Sandusky Street
Delaware, OH 43015
Research the issues, take the kids to the polls, & let them cast their own ballot!