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            As a sixth grade teacher at Heritage, I would like to give an inside picture of how some things at one middle school in Westerville have changed due to the failure of the levy. The simplest way to show this is to list what life was like last year, this year, and might be next year if the levy fails again.


Last year

·        Students had Able and Talented opportunities from a full time teacher at Heritage.

·        Students and teachers had access to two computer labs and a computer resource person.

·        Sixth grade students took a computer technology class.

·        Sixth grade students took a health class.

·        There was an aide in the library.

·        There was an extra part-time principal and secretary in the office to help with a large school of over 900 students and faculty.

This year

·        Able and talented teacher is shared with two schools.

·        Only one computer lab.

·        Second lab is now a large study hall.

·        No computer classes.

·        No sixth grade health classes.

·        Only one librarian to manage the library and all audio visual aid equipment.

·        An overworked office and teaching staff due to personnel cuts.

·        Higher pupil/teacher ratios and less time to help individual students.

Next year

·        Sixth and seventh grade teams have a good chance of being cut.

·        Over fifty teachers in the district could loose their jobs.

·        Sports and clubs will suffer and parents will pay even more to participate.

·        Other courses could be cut.


I have been teaching in Westerville for thirteen years and have worked hard to build strong teams that are good for teachers as well as students. Technology has been integrated into so much of what we do with the students. It makes me sad to see cuts in so many things that have taken years to build. I am hopeful that the levy will pass this November, and that things that have already been cut can be reinstated so that we can move forward with practices that benefit our most precious resource - OUR CHILDREN!


Ellen McKee

Heritage Middle School

Westerville Voters On Target for Education