WeVOTE ~ Westerville Voters On Target for Education
Teachers are concerned
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Dear Editor,
     Teachers in the Westerville City Schools are as concerned as anyone about cutting to state minimum requirements if the levy doesn't pass.  Teachers are working along with concerned citizens to share correct information about the district, the impact of the current cuts, and the considerable impact further cuts would have. 
     Neither school administrators nor teachers nor staff may send information about the levy home with the students in the district because of state law.  We must use public communication tools such as yard signs, direct mailings, and neighborhood meetings.
     I teach in the district, and am a parent of three graduates.  I work hard every day to ensure that my students learn something new, set goals for themselves, and work hard to achieve them.  Please support the levy and help us continue to send Westerville students into the world well prepared to make a difference and contribute to our futures. 
Mary Lightbody

Westerville Voters On Target for Education