WeVOTE ~ Westerville Voters On Target for Education
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Recently, I saw an article showing National Merit Scholars and I am proud of the accomplishments of Westerville students. Who isn't proud of our schools and the accomplishments of our students?

I see our hardworking teachers and administrators throughout our schools and they reflect the commitment of our community. Westerville continues to attract the best and the brightest teachers and administrators -- and why shouldn't we? We have a long history of supporting education. We value high achievement and show a strong commitment to public schools.

What about the excessive technology spending? I would say that this may be misconceptions on our part as non-students in the 21st century. Obviously, technology is a large part of our current lives and will play a larger part in the future. Access to current technology is required for our students to survive and thrive. To have outdated classrooms is for other communities; maybe we are not spending enough on technology.

We should not be competing in the loser's corner with others that cut school funding first and then, when declines in school outcomes occur, seek to regain what has passed or look to blame outside sources for what is in their control.

Why do I support the levy? It's not that I have children attending, I don't. My wife and I attended public schools and we believe that quality public education is a shared value of the Westerville community -- a community that has a world-class recreational center, a world-class senior center, world-class park facilities, a world-class public library, world-class police, world-class fire and emergency, world-class electric and world-class administration must also support a school system that continues to provide our students with world-class educational opportunities.

When we see our students receiving academic scholarships and greater accomplishments in life, let's take pride that we voted "yes" on this important levy and did our part by supporting these achievements.

Cam Piatt

Westerville Voters On Target for Education